
Steamed in a Rice Cooker

Starting a blog in a country halfway around the world from home isn't probably the best place, and the number of posts will probably be few, if any, but it just feels right to start this where my roots really are. It's Joanna here and this blog will, I guess, just evolve into whatever it wants to be, like a butterfly without limits to its genes. Or maybe an Evee from Pokemon. Right now, I'm feeling really into the band One Night Only (YM) while The Kooks have taken a backseat. I'm also kind of interested in fashion and have been following a few fashion blogs, trying to start one of my own, or to even wear half as interesting clothes as what i dare to wear in the safety of my room. So, since there are probably about a billion different grammar mistakes in this paragraph, I think it is time to say goodbye. Signing off, Joanna